Ilhan Omar Cosponsors Legislation to Ban Federal Agencies from Using Term ‘Illegal Alien’


Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN-05) recently signed on as a co-sponsor to a bill that would prohibit federal agencies from using the term “alien” to refer to illegal immigrants.

The bill, H.R. 3776, was introduced by Rep. Joaquin Castro (D-TX-20) and would prevent “executive agencies from using the derogatory term ‘alien’ to refer to an individual who is not a citizen or national of the United States.” Instead, federal agencies would be required to use either “foreign national” or “undocumented foreign national” when referring to illegal immigrants.

“Words matter. It’s vital that we respect the dignity of immigrants fleeing violence and prosecution in our language. The words ‘alien’ and ‘illegal alien’ work to demonize and dehumanize the migrant community. They should have no place in our government’s description of human beings,” Castro said in a press release after introducing the bill Tuesday.

His bill has 16 cosponsors, most of whom are members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus that he chairs, and was referred to the House Judiciary Committee for consideration.

“Immigrants come to our borders in good faith and work hard for the opportunity to achieve a better life for themselves and their family,” Castro added. “Eliminating this language from government expression puts us one step closer to preserving their dignity and ensuring their safety.”

Omar has yet to publicly comment on her co-sponsorship of the bill. Tyler O’Neil, senior editor of PJ Media, recently published an article calling the bill “Orwellian.”

“Democrats have launched an assault on basic language when it comes to immigration issues,” he wrote in a Wednesday article. “Democrats have insisted that ‘no one is illegal,’ even if they break U.S. law to enter the country. This involves an Orwellian redefinition of immigration—claiming immigrants cannot be ‘illegal’ because to be illegal is supposedly less than human.”

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Anthony Gockowski is managing editor of Battleground State News, The Ohio Star, and The Minnesota Sun. Follow Anthony on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Ilhan Omar” by Lorie Shaull. CC BY-SA 2.0.



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7 Thoughts to “Ilhan Omar Cosponsors Legislation to Ban Federal Agencies from Using Term ‘Illegal Alien’”

  1. […] On July 18, 2019 the newspaper, The Tennessee Star, reported, Ilhan Omar Cosponsors Legislation to Ban Federal Agencies from Using Term ‘Illegal Alien.’ […]

  2. […] On July 18, 2019 the newspaper, The Tennessee Star, reported, Ilhan Omar Cosponsors Legislation to Ban Federal Agencies from Using Term ‘Illegal Alien.’ […]

  3. […] Ilhan Omar Cosponsors Legislation to Ban Federal Agencies from Using Term ‘Illegal Alien’ […]

  4. Mary

    How rediculous, illegal is what it is and helping them is aiding and abetting illegals, once more anti American propaganda against the law!!! Need to stop this flooding of people to destroy the USA, the propaganda in these different countries need to be stopped lying to them so they can invade our Country, you are a illegal alien, just like we would be if we did this in another Country, stop the insanity.

    1. Dawn Case

      You are completely right. We have to do whatever we can to stop these illegals from stealing our country. Contacting our Washington representatives to start with.

  5. CCW

    Omar for president. That’s the ticket.

  6. Russ

    Changing the term will not change the fact. Still against the law to be here. Democrats do not care about the term, they want the issue or they would fix the law.
